위키리크스, 美 기밀문서 공개
말레이시아에서 피살된 김정은 북한 노동당 위원장의 이복형 김정남이 2005년 8월 평양에서 당시 북한을 공식 방문한 칸타티 수파몽콘 태국 외무장관을 만나 미국 정부에 개인적 메시지 전달을 시도했다는 사실이 미 국무부 기밀 문서에서 드러났다.
태국 주재 미국 대사관이 2005년 9월1일 워싱턴DC 국무부에 보낸 ‘기밀(confidential) 외교전문’에 따르면 태국 정부는 앞서 8월28∼30일 평양을 방문한 칸타티 외무장관이 방북 중 김정남을 만나 가진 ‘개인적 대화(private discussion)’내용을 콘돌리자 라이스 국무장관에게 직접 전해주기 위해 양국 장관끼리의 전화통화를 주문했다.
외교관행에 따르면 외교관계가 성립된 국가들이 자국주재 대사관을 통하지 않고 외무장관들 사이의 직접 전화통화를 하는 경우는 ‘매우 중대하고 서로의 신속한 관심과 조치가 요망되는 극비 내용’인 경우에 해당한다.
정부 기밀문서 폭로 전문 매체인 위키리크스(wikileaks)가 공개한 이 문건은 2005년 9월1일 주 태국 미 대사관 정무담당 참사가 칸타티 장관의 방북에 동행한 수라폰 펫치-브라 태국 외교부 동아시아국장으로부터 입수한 정보를 종합 정리해 국무부에 보고한 외교전문이다.
외교전문은 칸타티 장관이 평양에서 당시 백남순 외무상과 김영남 최고인민회의 상임위원장을 만났고 남북 비무장지대(DMZ)와 김일성 시신이 보존돼 있는 금수산기념궁전 방문 안내를 받았으나 김정일 국방위원장은 만나지 못했다고 밝혔다.
외교전문은 이어 미국 및 북한과 모두 우호적 외교관계를 갖고 있는 태국 정부가 ‘중립적(neutral)’, ‘지원적(complimentary)’ 차원에서 ‘교량(bridge)’ 역할을 제안한 내용과 북한 측이 6자 회담에 대해 칸타티 장관에게 밝혔다고 전한 내용을 상세하게 기록했다.
외교전문은 그러면서 ‘태국이 장관과 전화회의(telcon)를 밀어붙이고 있다’는 소제 아래 “수라폰은 (방북) 브리핑을 칸타티 장관이 (평양에서의) 마지막 저녁 김정남과 가진 개인적 대화를 라이스 장관에게 전화로 브리핑해줄 중요성을 갖고 있음을 설명하면서 마무리 지었다”고 기록했다.
그러나 이후 칸타티와 라이스 장관과의 전화회담이 이뤄졌는지 여부와 칸타티가 평양에서 가진 김정남과의 개인적 대화 내용은 확인되지 않고 있다. 신용일 객원기자
<위키리크스에 공개된 문제의 외교전문> 위키리크스에>
C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 02 BANGKOK 005627 SIPDIS E.O. 12958: DECL: 09/01/2015 TAGS: PREL, TH SUBJECT: THAI MFA OFFICIAL GIVES READOUT ON FOREIGN MINISTER'S TRAVEL TO PYONGYANG Classified By: POLITICAL COUNSELOR SUSAN M. SUTTON. REASON: 1.4 (D) 1. (C) Summary: North Korean officials told Thai Foreign Minister Kantathi in Pyongyang earlier this week that six-party talks could resume by mid-September if U.S.-ROK military exercises are concluded by the 10th. DPRK officials also reiterated their determination to maintain a civilian nuclear program, highlighted the recent appointment of the U.S. special envoy on human rights in North Korea as "hostile" and dismissed ROK offers of electricity in return for disarmament Thai officials explained that they are not interested in joining the six party talks but in playing a "complimentary" role and as such, pressed for a phone call between Kantathi and the Secretary, in order to provide a more extensive readout of the meetings. End Summary. THAI NOT INTERESTED IN "SEVEN-PARTY" TALKS BUT SEEK SIDE ROLE ============================================= ================= 2. (SBU) Surapon Petch-Vra, Director General of the MFA Department of East Asian Affairs briefed Dep Polcouns 1 September on Foreign Minister Kantathi's three day visit to Pyongyang earlier in the week. Surapon, who was present on the trip, began by explaining that the RTG is not interested in joining the current talks as a seventh party, but is willing to play a "neutral" and "complimentary" role in the pursuit of a stable Korean peninsula. Thai officials assess that a lack of "trust and confidence" between the major parties remains the major stumbling block to progress in the talks. Thailand, as a friend of North Korea and the U.S., may be able to bridge this gap. 3. (SBU) With this perspective in mind, Kantathi traveled to Pyongyang 28 August, meeting with DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun and President Kim Yong Nam. The Thai delegation was treated to a tour of the DMZ and Kim Il-Sung's tomb but did not meet with Kim Jong-Il. Both prior to and immediately after his travel, Kantathi spoke to his counterparts in Beijing and Seoul, to explain the Thai role and give a readout of his meetings. (Note, when pressed for the Chinese reaction to his readout Surapon relayed a series of Chinese platitudes on "trust and harmony.") DPRK OFFICIALS: NO TALKS DUE TO EXERCISE AND "HOSTILE" U.S. ============================================= =============== 4. (C) According to Surapon, DPRK officials told their Thai guests that Pyongyang was not interested in returning to the six-party talks later this month, given the U.S. policy of hostility and the ongoing U.S.-ROK military exercise. They specifically highlighted the recent appointment of the U.S. special envoy on human rights in North Korea as further evidence of U.S. hostility. DPRK officials told the Thai that if the current joint military exercise is completed by 10 September, however, Pyongyang could be interested in restarting the talks, according to Surapon. 5. (C) That said, North Korea could not accept the recent ROK offer of two million kilowatts of electricity in return for joining the NPT, dismantling all nuclear programs, and allowing IAEA inspections to resume. DPRK leaders explained that North Korea must be allowed to pursue peaceful nuclear energy programs; moreover, re-entering the NPT was the 'right' of sovereign countries and could not be demanded by another country. THAI PUSH FOR TELCON WITH SECRETARY =================================== 6. (C) Surapon wrapped up his readout by explaining that FM Kantathi was interested in briefing Secretary Rice by telephone on his private discussions with Kim Jong Nam during the final dinner. Additionally, Kantathi will be fresh from his talks in Rangoon on September 1st and may be able to provide some insight into recent coup rumors in Burma. PM THAKSIN TO VISIT PYONGYANG ? =============================== 7. (SBU) When questioned about recent Thai press reports that PM Thaksin had accepted an invitation to visit Pyongyang, Surapon explained that Thaksin's acceptance remained contingent on a guaranteed meeting with Kim Jong Il, and suggested that such a trip was not set in stone yet. COMMENT ======= 8. (C) Surapon was keen to emphasize that Thailand is not trying to play anything more than an enabling role in bringing the parties together on the Korean peninsula nuclear issue.
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