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[코리아타임스 뉴스] 국내 거주 외국인 인구 250만명 돌파했다


[코리아타임스 뉴스] 국내 거주 외국인 인구 250만명 돌파했다

2020.02.29 04:30
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Foreign population in Korea tops 2.5 million

국내 거주 외국인 인구 250만명 돌파했다  

The number of foreigners staying in South Korea increased nearly 7 percent last year, topping 2.5 million for the first time, government data showed Monday. 

월요일 발표된 정부 자료에 따르면 한국에 체류하는 외국인의 수는 지난해 7% 가까이 증가해 처음으로 250만 명을 돌파했다. 

According to data released by the Ministry of Justice, 2,524,656 foreigners were residing in the country as of the end of 2019, marking a rise of 6.6 percent from a year earlier and a 3.7 percent on-month increase. 

법무부가 공개한 자료에 따르면 2019년 말 현재 국내에 거주하는 외국인은 222만4,656명으로 전년 대비 6.6%, 전월대비 3.7% 증가했다. 

The nation's foreign population exceeded 1 million in August 2007 and 2 million in June 2016. 

국내 거주 외국인 인구는 2007년 8월 100만 명, 2016년 6월 200만 명을 넘어섰다. 

The foreign population of over 2.5 million accounts for 4.9 percent of the nation's total population, which was 51.64 million as of 2018. 

2018년 기준 외국인 인구는 250만명을 넘어서며 국내 전체 인구 5,164만명의 4.9%를 차지했다. 

The academic world usually classifies a nation as a multicultural society, if its percentage of foreigners is in excess of 5 percent. 

학계는 보통 한 나라의 외국인 비율이 5%를 넘으면 다문화 사회로 분류한다. 

By the criteria, South Korea now appears to be on the threshold of becoming a multicultural society. 

이 기준에 따르면, 한국은 이제 다문화 사회의 문턱에 있는 것으로 보인다. 

The ministry noted 68.6 percent, or 1,731,803, of the foreign residents are long-term stayers registered with authorities, with the remaining 31.4 percent short-term stayers. (Yonhap) 

법무부는 전체 외국인 거주자의 68.6%인 1,731,803명이 당국에 등록된 장기 체류자이며 나머지 31.4%는 단기 체류자라고 밝혔다.   

코리아타임스 홍지민

“시사와 영어를 한 번에”

Korea Times Weekly


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