Are you the patient or are you bringing someone to be seen?
본인이 환자인가요, 아니면 다른 사람을 데리고 온 건가요?
What is your name (or the name of the patient that you bring)?
환자 이름이 어떻게 되세요?
How old are you (or the patient-if the patient is a baby, ask how many weeks/months)?
환자 나이는 어떻게 되세요(아기의 경우, 몇 주/개월인가요)?
Why are you here in the Emergency Department (what is the chief complaint)?
왜 응급실로 오셨나요?
When did the problem start?
언제부터 문제가 시작되었나요?
What other symptoms do you have?
다른 증상이 있나요?
Are you currently under treatment for any medical condition, or do you have any other medical problems (asthma, diabetes, etc.)?
현재 다른 치료를 받고 있거나, 천식, 당뇨와 같은 다른 의료 문제가 있나요?
Are you taking any medication (if you have taken any medication: What is the name of the medicine, and when was the last time you took it?)
현재 복용하고 있는 약이 있나요(그렇다면, 약 이름이 무엇이며, 언제 마지막으로 드셨나요)?
Are you allergic to any medication (if you are allergic to a particular medicine: What is the name of the medicine and what happened when you took it? Did you develop a rash?)
알레르기 반응이 있는 약이 있나요(그렇다면, 그 약의 이름이 무엇이며, 그 약을 복용했을 때 어떻게 되었나요? 발진이 있었나요)?
Do you have a regular physician, or do you go to a clinic when you get sick?
정기적으로 보는 주치의가 있나요, 아니면 아플 때만 병원을 찾아가나요?
For pregnant women: How many weeks/months are you pregnant? What was the date of your last period?
임산부의 경우: 임신 몇 주/개월인가요? 마지막 생리일이 언제였나요?
For someone with pain: Please point with one finger where it hurts the most.
통증 환자의 경우: 가장 아픈 곳을 손가락으로 가리켜 보세요.
For someone with a bleeding wound: When was the last time you had a tetanus shot?
출혈 환자의 경우: 언제 파상풍 예방 접종을 했습니까?
안성진 코리아타임스 어학연구소 책임연구원
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