병원에서 환자가 수술을 받기 전, 유념해야 할 기본적인 지침은 다음과 같습니다.
1. We will give you an IV injection early in the morning.
1. 아침 일찍 링거액을 투여합니다.
2. Check if you are ready. (Make sure your nail polish, makeup, accessories, dentures, contact lenses, underwear, and socks are completely removed.)
2. 준비 상태를 다시 한번 확인합니다. (매니큐어, 화장, 액세서리, 의치, 렌즈, 속옷, 양말 등은 반드시 제거하세요.)
3. If you are going under an operation that takes more than two hours, you will have to wear a pair of stockings we give you that is supposed to prevent blood clots from forming in your legs.
3. 2시간 이상 장시간 수술 시에는 혈전 방지용 스타킹을 신습니다.
4. Please remove your underwear and change into your operation gown and cap.
4. 위 아래 속옷을 벗고, 수술 가운과 모자로 갈아입습니다.
5. We will give you an intramuscular injection.
5. 근육 주사를 투여합니다.
6. Members of your family can wait outside the operating room.
6. 수술하는 동안 보호자께서는 대기실이나 병실에서 기다려 주세요.
7. Go to the bathroom before you enter the operating room. Wait still on your bed once you are in the operating room.
7. 수술실에 들어가기 전 소변을 보세요. 이후 수술실에 들어오시고 자리에 누워 기다리세요.
[주요 어휘]
operation 수술
IV injection 링거 (cf. intravenous injection의 약어)
nail polish 매니큐어액 (= colored or transparent liquid which you paint on your nails to make them look attractive)
makeup 화장 (= colored substances that are put on your face to improve or change your appearance)
denture (보통 복수 형태인 dentures로 많이 쓰임) 의치 (= a set of artificial teeth worn by someone who does not have their own teeth any longer)
cf. false teeth 틀니 (= a set of artificial teeth worn by someone who has lost their natural teeth)
blood clot 혈전 (= a clump of blood that has changed from a liquid to a gel-like or semisolid state)
intramuscular injection 근육 주사
안성진 코리아타임스 어학연구소 책임연구원
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