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[메디컬 잉글리시] 예방 접종(Vaccination)

2017.09.08 04:40
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Background overview: A mother brings her one-year-old boy into a pediatrician’s office to get him a DTP vaccine.

상황: 1살 된 남자 아이의 DTP 예방 접종을 위해 보호자(어머니)가 아이를 데리고 내원하였다.

(D = doctor 의사; M = mother of the patient 보호자)

D: Hello, ma’am. Hi there.

의사: 안녕하세요. 안녕.

M: I’m here to get my son vaccinated today.

보호자: 오늘은 제 아들의 예방 접종을 하러 왔어요.

D: I see. Did you bring the vaccination journal with you?

의사: 그래요. 예방 접종 수첩 가지고 오셨어요?

M: Yes, here it is.

보호자: 네, 여기요.

D: So your boy is here for his fourth DTP injection today, am I correct? I see that you have got him all the required vaccinations so far. How are you feeling today, son? Do you have a cold?

의사: 오늘 DTP 4차 맞으러 오셨군요. 전에 예방 접종은 다 잘 하셨네요. 우리 아가 오늘 컨디션은 어떤가? 감기 안 걸렸어요?

M: No, he’s fine.

보호자: 네, 괜찮아요.

D: Kids this age grow so fast. Why don’t I get a temperature reading on him? (The doctor measures the boy’s temperature, applies the stethoscope to his chest, and also examines inside his ears.) He is just fine today, with a body temperature of 36.5 degrees. He seems ready for his fourth DTP shot.

의사: 그동안 많이 컸네. 선생님이 체온 좀 재볼게. (의사는 체온 측정, 청진, 목 안과 귓구멍을 살핀다.) 체온도 36.5도로 정상이고 괜찮네요. 오늘 DTP 4차 맞을 차례입니다.

M: What vaccinations will he need afterward?

보호자: 다음에는 어떻게 되나요?

D: He should get vaccinated against the flu in autumn. Another DTP shot, and vaccinations against polio and MMR when he reaches the age of four to six.

의사: 가을철에 독감 예방 접종하시고 4~6세 사이에 DTP, 폴리오, MMR 접종하시면 됩니다.

M: I see, thank you.

보호자: 네, 감사합니다.

D: Let him take a good rest after his shot today. If he runs a fever, give him a fever reducer, like Tylenol.

의사: 오늘 예방 접종하면 가능한 쉬게 하시고 혹시 열이 나면 해열제를 먹이면 됩니다.

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